Image: Pixabay

10 Cool Facts About Antarctica to Fuel Your Wanderlust

Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent bigger than Europe and nearly double Australia's size.

Antarctica - Unique Continent

Image: Pixabay

Antarctica is the windiest continent with flat terrain and winds reaching up to 320 km/h.

Antarctica - Extreme Winds

Image: Pixabay

Antarctica as the driest continent is a desert with low humidity and cold winds limiting rainfall.

Antarctica - Frozen Desert

Image: Pixabay

Antarctica holds 70% of Earth's freshwater, mainly in ice sheets, with little available as liquid.

Antarctica - Freshwater Reserve

Image: Pixabay

Both the Geographic and Magnetic South Poles are located in Antarctica’s icy expanse.

Antarctica - Polar Hub

Image: Pixabay

Antarctica’s Dry Valleys are the driest places on Earth, where freezing prevents snow from falling.

Antarctica - Ice-Free

Image: Pixabay

The largest iceberg, B-15, broke from the Ross Ice Shelf in 2000, spanning 270 km by 37 km.

Antarctica - Giant Icebergs

Image: Pixabay

Mount Erebus, an Antarctic volcano, emits gas and experiences lava flows on its icy slopes.

Antarctica - Active Volcano

Mount Vinson is the Antarctica's tallest peak, rises 4,987 meters, over half the height of Mount Everest.

Antarctica - Tall Peaks

Image: Pixabay

Blood Falls a red flow from Taylor Glacier, puzzled scientists for over a century before its origin.

Antarctica - Red Waterfall

Image: Pixabay